Tags:90后男业主,喜欢美食和旅游的Life-lover。 Expectation:黑白灰为整体色调,空间干净明亮、整洁大方,因为经常约朋友过来聚餐,希望客厅通透、敞亮。
The combination of rock beam with rich texture and wooden wallboard enhances the third dimension of space. The lighting design at the top with a strong sense of line is excellent. The bright and clean floor lamp serves as a foil to the corner, which goes well with the decorative painting. Both of them are definitely nice to look at. The side cabinet is used to put wine utensils, which is convenient for the owner to invite friends to dinner and chat.
The floor lamp with soft light creates a warm and pleasant atmosphere. The soft and smooth leather bedside has an excellent use experience. The quiet and low-key gray harmonizes a moderate sense of atmosphere and deduces its own brilliance in the space.