多功能厅内静谧的蓝色大面积渲染墙和地面,无疑是一道靓丽的风景线,纯粹如巴勃罗·毕加索 的名作《蓝色房间》一般流光旖旎。
多功能厅内静谧的蓝色大面积渲染墙和地面,无疑是一道靓丽的风景线,纯粹如巴勃罗·毕加索 的名作《蓝色房间》一般流光旖旎。
The feeling of design is the accumulation of life. “Memories of the places you have been to, the tea that you have tasted, the sunshine that you have enjoyed might be awakened slowly in the process of communication. When any of them matches with the demands of the client, you will find an opportunity to express.“
空间中大量使用的木饰面营造出难得一遇的明代中式氛围。正如计成在《屋宇》中指出明代住宅的设计原则之“时尊普雅,古择端 方”, 意为追趋时尚要遵依典雅朴素,仿古则取端庄大方。这也是两位设计师在对待传统和创新设计时所采取的态度。
由于项目所在建筑体量并不大,所有功能围绕正电梯井进行,每个空间进深很短,且滨海城市日照强烈, 光照会让居室质感显得躁郁。从而,设计师打破了传统的医疗空间常规配色,采用了这种蓝色调大面积铺叙的设计手法, 以达到医疗养生和安抚情绪的空间功能目的。
▲男宾 VIP 男宾VIP区可享受厦门当地的品茶之趣。定制地毯呈写 意黑灰色线条,与屋顶灯饰遥相呼应,形成体系。
▲女宾 VIP Female VIP 女宾VIP的沙发是旧上海的摩登红,配以壁画亮眼的复 古黄,每一种颜色都流露出不同的视觉表情,风格反 差与时尚感即出。 老元素应用在现代简约的居住空间 中并不显多余,反倒是一种刚刚好的感觉。
▲休闲区 Leisure In the leisure area, a pine and cypress gives off a strong taste of literati. Behind the screen, there is the "sea" that takes in hundreds of rivers which represents a broad mind. New Chinese bookshelves and leather couches in the space are usually the symbol of successful men, designers enlarge the size of the traditional chair to make it more comfortable. So while enjoying the great sea view, a royal conference experience is available.
▲休闲区 Leisure Area 休闲区内,一株松柏透出骨子里浓浓的文人趣味,屏风之 后又是海纳百川的广阔胸怀。空间中的新中式书架以及皮 质沙发通常服务于成功男性, 设计师将传统交椅的小尺度 改为大比例,为舒适加分,观赏海景的同时带来君临天下 的会谈体验。
食疗区墙上圆镜借鉴了苏州园林八角窗的借景手法,将景物与视线巧妙的组合起来。正如计成的《园冶》所描绘记载:“因借无由,触景俱是”。 傍晚光线渐弱时,镜子的反光可以给空间增加更为柔和的亮度。
▲入口 Entrance 透过入口玻璃窥探,一幅太湖石画映入眼帘,千古名石肌理由蒙古黑烧制而成,引园林意境入室。达摩的雕塑隐喻了当下语境中禅意美学的回归。
▲入口 Entrance Watching through the glass at the entrance , a piece of Taihu Rock Painting comes into the eye, the texture of the ancient stone is fired from Mongolia black, it brings in the poetic imagery of garden.
The sense of literature of Xiamen is more profound than the freshness of walking by the sea, it is rooted in theundulating waves . The light of the interior space is soft, and the deep sense of modern has kept the low-key luxury temperament of old Shanghai, thus the room presents a narrative tone.
Massive use of quit blue on walls and the floor in the multifunction room is an extremely beautiful scenery, as charming and graceful as Pablo Picasso 's masterpieces Blue Room.
The sense of literature of Xiamen is more profound than the freshness of walking by the sea, it is rooted in theundulating waves . The light of the interior space is soft, and the deep sense of modern has kept the low-key luxury temperament of old Shanghai, thus the room presents a narrative tone.
合的纱屏降低了厦门海边正午光照过强的视觉刺激,同时丰富了空间层次。墙上手绘草本的收藏和由孔明灯改良的古 朴灯饰烘托出空间中唐代 开放的民风和文化融合。
近景:中式元素跟摩登的这种碰撞很奇妙,你可能会觉得这两个风格不相干,但是在王瑞设计师看来却是十分和谐。简洁大气 的设计框架中点缀中国古典山水之意 休闲区沙发上的蓝色丝绒,仿佛也是空间故事的起承转合。
Massive wood finishes used in the space have created a rare Chinese style atmosphere of Ming Dynasty. As Ji Cheng says in "House" that design philosophy for houses in Ming Dynasty is "follow the simple and elegant fashion, and choose dignified and decent ancient elements" means to follow fashion trend should adopt its elegant and simple elements, while using ancient elements should capture its dignified and decent features. This is also the attitude of the two designers to do traditional and innovative design.
传统中式的座椅泛着金属光泽,鸟笼般的边几造型别 出心裁。复古的外观与现代功能相结合,既满足了怀 旧情结,又保证了现代生活的舒适与方便。
置物架上摆放着汝窑质感的青花瓷、艺术品和各式书籍。 著名作家三毛有一书名曰《送你一匹马》,说有人爱马痴 狂,亦有人视之为梦。中国人千年爱马情结,如今在家中 再度燃起。这种具象动物所承载的激越和雄壮 用造型语言 来表达即为雕塑艺术,唤醒心中的爱马,养于书香田园。
▲前台 Reception 走近前台,带有手工温度的古铜材质被用于中式药柜台面以彰显高贵 感。明暗交错的长方形大理石砖,唤起小时候下雨过后地面将明将暗、 半干未干的记忆。